Technical Branch 3 (CA - SPCB) - 4 Hrs
This exam covers a range of topics related to Wood Destroying Organisms. Candidates are expected to have knowledge of California Code of Regulations that pertain to report requirements, inspection reports, and reporting fees. They should also have a solid understanding of various Wood Destroying Organisms, including Termites, Drywood Termites, Subterranean Termites, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Wood Boring Beetles, and Dry Rot. Candidates should be able to identify and detect these pests, understand their social structure, lifecycle, damage, and control and management methods. Additionally, they should be familiar with the different treatment options available for existing infestations, whole-structure treatments, localized treatments, long-lasting preventive treatments, and dry rot treatment. This exam aims to assess the candidate's knowledge of California regulations, their pest identification skills, and their understanding of effective pest control and management methods.$59